Since the beginning to the Calgary Stampede, the poster has been a highlight of what is to come each year.
“My memories of the parade from when I was a little boy are vivid. I can feel the warmth of the rising sun, the anticipation and how the spectacle of horses filling the city streets evoked awe in me.” – Calgary Stampede 2024 poster artist Lloyd Templeton
The themes of posters past have highlighted an event at the stampede such as: Chuckwagons, Cowgirls, Elbow River Camp and Relay.
For the first time ever, 22-year-old Calgary Artist Lloyd Templeton showed the parade for his 2024 poster submission which not only showed Calgary’s downtown core but also, featured the first representation of the Iyarhe Nakoda on the Stampede’s poster.
Poster shows rodeo stars in the background to a diverse group of parade goes gathered for the parade and up front is Iyarhe Nakoda Tipi Holder Duane Mark in full traditional Nakoda regalia.
Mark collaborated with Templeton to not only ensure the beadwork on the regalia was accurate but also, helped name the piece ‘Wîchîspa Skadabi Odâginabi’ which translates to ‘Celebrating the Calgary Stampede’.
Templeton shared why he chose the parade to be the focus of his submission for the 2024 Calgary Stampede poster contest.
“My memories of the parade from when I was a little boy are vivid. I can feel the warmth of the rising sun, the anticipation and how the spectacle of horses filling the city streets evoked awe in me. I felt very much a part of the community and the celebration I hope evoke similar warm memories in others or spark a desire in them to experience that awe for themselves”.
Along with winning the Youth Poster Competition, Templeton will receive the $10,000 Dustin Peers Memorial Scholarship.
The 2024 Stampede is already looking to be historic as the 2024 First Nations Princess Margaret Holloway is the first Iyarhe Nakoda princess crowned in 20-years.