From planets to constellations, there is currently an amazing night-sky spectacle going on above us. Throughout the coming weeks, the skies are featuring four easily visible planets and a plethora of stars and constellations.
While there are clear skies and warmer-than-usual weather, get out and take a look at the shimmering night sky! Several remarkable views are currently on display, such as the waning Wolf Moon (the first full moon of the year) and the red planet, Mars, which is as only this visible every two years.
Jennifer Howse, Education Specialist with the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory, shares what’s on display above us and how to view it:
Neptune, Mercury, and Uranus will also be sharing the skies, but those you will have to have some pretty powerful telescopes to be able to see.
All you need to enjoy this current starry display is to find somewhere dark, such as local parks or other low-light areas, and then sit back and enjoy the skyward views.