Lethbridge Police Service cruiser. File photo.
Lethbridge Police Service is out with Alberta Sheriffs are working on a joint project to promote safety for pedestrians and motorists throughout the rest of March.
Recently in Lethbridge, law enforcement agencies have seen increased concern for public safety between pedestrians and motorists after observations in various playground and school zones.
A statement made by LPS, says one of the largest contributors to pedestrian accidents has been inattentiveness.
LPS continues saying pedestrians especially students are often not fully aware of their surroundings including oncoming traffic before crossing the street, meanwhile motorists are also speeding, being distracted driving, and parking vehicles creating blind spots for both pedestrians and other motorists.
Both LPS and Alberta Sheriffs will continue to raise awareness throughout March and are encouraging members of the public to talk with their families about traffic safety.
This includes:
- Always use designated crosswalks when available and wait for a clear signal, if applicable
- Make eye contact with drivers before crossing to ensure you are seen and acknowledged
- Avoid distractions such as mobile phones or headphones when crossing the street
- Look both ways, even when at a crosswalk, as some drivers may not stop or may be unaware of the pedestrian right-of-way