Photo of Blood Tribe Administration logo / Photo source Blood Tribe Administration Facebook Page
The Nisnastako Housing Apartments, on the Kainai (Blood Tribe) Nation, is scheduled to close at the end of March.
This announcement was made back on March 7 by the Blood Tribe Administration after an inspection by the Environmental Health Officer from First Nations Inuit Health Branch discovered 18 health infractions leading to the recommendation of having the building vacated.
The building in which the apartments are located was formally St. Pual’s Residential School which was repurposed into apartments back in 1990.
Because of this risk, the 57 tenants currently living at the Nisnastoko Housing Apartments will be relocated to facilities deemed appropriate for human habitation.
Blood Tribe Administration met with the tenants back in mid-February to inform them of the closure and what support is available during the transition.
The future of the building is currently unknown.